Cathleen Sacheus

bob Finance AG

Bachelor Student in Computer Sciences
Namibia University of Science and Technology

July 01 - September 30, 2021


At work

I was fortunate enough to get a preview into what software development in a fintech setup is like by joining the IT department at bob Finance AG. I had a couple of tasks to complete during my internship, but my main project included building a business to partner communication system to inform all partners about general topics and send news about certain events. Working alongside helpful and patient mentors on this project equipped me with some useful practical and theoretical skills. I leave this internship with very valuable experience under my belt.  


My Swiss host family

My 3 months stay with Christine and Stephan Müller involved them welcoming me into their beautiful home, helping me adjust to Switzerland and feeding me delicious food. I also had a furry sibling called Ari, he is the calmest dog I have ever met, and I will miss him. My favorite moments include a failed attempt at learning how to ride a bicycle, seeing the fireworks on the 1st of August in Stäfa and an incredible day trip around Switzerland. Overall, they made my stay warm and comfortable. 

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Fondue bearbeitet.jpg

My highlights and challenges

The weather, awesome transport system and beautiful landscape are the obvious highlights of my three months here but ultimately my favorite place to visit was Bern. I had the best guide, Irene Kupper, to show me the bears, art museum, Einstein exhibit, rose garden and food. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Bern with her. The biggest challenge was the language barrier. Despite this challenge, I met some wonderful people and was able to have interesting conversations.

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My future plans

I plan to find a front-end/full-stack software job in Namibia. My skill set at the moment is very immature, I still have much to learn. This internship has provided me with a great stepping stone into the never-ending world of technology. In general, I prefer to stay open and optimistic about whatever opportunities and challenges may arise in the future, so my plans are flexible.


Personal message

I accepted this internship with great excitement to see a new world, but I was also very nervous to leave my home country. However, thanks to all the people I met during the last three months, I had the most memorable experiences in my life, I not only grew my technical skills but also my life skills. A very big thank you to everyone that made this possible; B360, NUST especially Mr Nico Smit, bob Finance AG and my lovely host family. I will cherish this experience for a long time.