We place experienced experts as voluntary guest lecturers at partner universities in Namibia, Zambia and South Africa.
In the southbound program, we place experts from the public and private sectors as voluntary guest lecturers at our partner universities. They hold practice-oriented lectures and workshops in economically and socially relevant fields of study. This primarily benefits students, faculty management and lecturers. Depending on the subject matter, we also address young entrepreneurs and business representatives.
On average, a lecturer assignment lasts three weeks (excluding preparation). The focus of the topic and the number of hours required on site and for preparation are agreed in advance and tailored as closely as possible to the individual needs of the guest lecturer.
Occupational health and safety, business administration, biomedicine, SME development, communication, food safety, logistics, marketing, mechanical engineering, media technology, human resources.
Other specialist areas are constantly being added, depending on local needs.
Professionals with a university or university of applied sciences degree, vocational training and appropriate further training are suitable. Many years of practical experience in management positions and/or experience as a lecturer are essential.
A very good command of English, an interest in foreign countries and cultures, flexibility, a talent for improvisation, willingness to learn and curiosity are an absolute must!
In Namibia, apartments are available on campus. In Zambia, experts live in an Airbnb apartment and in South Africa in a bed & breakfast near the university.
The assignments are voluntary, no salary is paid. Travel expenses are agreed individually, health insurance and accident insurance are the responsibility of the experts.
Are you interested in an assignment?
We are looking forward to hearing from you by e-mail or phone +41 77 477 99 63.
The final reports are an important element of quality control. They describe the activities in the workshops and classrooms and document the individuality of each assignment.