Prof. Dr. Corinne Gantenbein-Demarchi
Deputy of Head of Institute of Food and Beverage Innovation, ZHAW
Faculty of Health & Applied Sciences, Health Science Department
Food Microbiology (Course: Food and Meat Hygiene 2A)
Namibia University of Science and Technology
17. Februar - 6. März 2020
Nur in Englisch verfügbar.
Cooperation with university staff
The cooperation with the lecturers and the staff at NUST was as last years very successful and satisfactory. I experienced a very good support by local staff members, The planning phase was highly focused and efficient due to the good experiences of the previous years. The competent support contributed largely to the success of the assignment, mainly in the practicals in the laboratory.
Furthermore, the overall generous attitude of the local lecturers towards guest lecturers contributed to the success of the assignment, it was the basis for the good cooperation – a great thank you to the colleagues at NUST.
Cooperation with students
The cooperation with the students and their positive feedback about the three weeks and their learning successes were the highlights of my assignment. Experiencing food microbiology not only in theory but also in practical exercises was essential to establishing a positive and rewarding relationship with the students.
In the project “World Food Safety Day”, established by the WHO/FAO and taking place every year on the 7th June, the students evaluated the food safety risks of specific Namibian dishes like mopane worms or the so called Marathon chicken. By defining key messages and proclaiming them in a short presentation and on a poster, they not only learned about the most important rules of food safety risks but also developed a “state of the art” tool to propagate these messages to other people. “Stand for food safety – stand for life!” – this core statement which was defined by last year students was confirmed in the various works and the insights gained by the student groups.
Furthermore, the friendship with former guest students, whom I got to know and appreciate in Switzerland, and the shared experiences with them during my stay are among the absolute highlights.
Impact and Win-win
The time spent at NUST was motivating because I once again experienced a new student perspective in a new country in a different and somehow more challenging system. However, seeing that the students were highly motivated and that I could provide them with new knowledge boosted my personal motivation after having taught for many decades in Switzerland already. It is a large win-win to share with the students the experience as a lecturer and as an expert in the field of food microbiology. In return, I had the chance to get an insight into their lives, not only as students but also into their private lives while visiting our former "guest students". This was the most impressive and a huge privilege to me.
Personal Message
Meeting young people in Namibia, who are eager to learn, and supporting them in their education is extremely motivating. I am convinced that education is the most important and for sure the best support and help we can give these young people in Namibia.
It takes a lot of motivation and effort from all people involved in b360 education partnership, but it is worth it!
Last but not least with the worldwide shut down because of the COVID19 pandemic just ahead I am very grateful that I was able to finish my assignment successfully. I hope that the long-lasting success of b360’s program will continue in the same or in an adapted mode despite COVID19.
Thank you!