Bupe Chitumbo

Credit Suisse Real Estate

Student in Economics
University of Zambia

February 01 - April 30, 2016


At work

The reception I received in the department of Real Estate Investment Management (REIM) was overwhelming. Whilst at Credit Suisse, I had an opportunity to meet senior staff members in the Real Estate Investment Management Department who inspired me to do my best. My interactions with my team drove home the importance of innovation at the work place. I can safely say that my confidence has drastically improved in presenting my original ideas. In addition, I improved research skills as well as my interpersonal skills like public speaking. Furthermore, the support I received was amazing. They invited me for lunches and helped me to settle quickly as they introduced different aspects of their core business. However, I was restricted to business management and sustainability where I performed a number of tasks such as sustainability, administrative and real estate markets on Africa.

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At home

My host family, the Gantenbeins, made sure I got the most out of my stay in Switzerland. This provided me with a good platform to relax after a stressful working day. For example, we had constructive discussions after dinner or they took me to Lucerne for the carnival and to Liechtenstein where I visited a number of historical buildings. My guest family was pretty sporty, that is something I did not initially cherish, but with time biking became an enjoyable activity. Mingling with the Gantenbeins’s children, Silvan and Annina, enabled me to gain insight into a typical Swiss lifestyle. Furthermore, they threw a birthday party for me to make my experience even more memorable.

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I would like to take this opportunity to heartily thank B360 education partnership for this life changing experience. If you see me contributing to society significantly, be proud because you had a big hand in it.
