Israel Uuyuni

Investment Solutions & Products, Performance and Risk
Credit Suisse

Bachelor Student in Economics
Namibia University of Science and Technology

February 01 - April 30, 2018

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At Work

Working at Credit Suisse - a unique and insightful opportunity whereby I was exposed to friendly working environment where I could learn. The first week was more of eLearning’s which were a bit boring because I was eager to learn and this taught me that patience is a virtue. I prepared performance report and calculated portfolios standard deviation and geometric mean and I improved my computer user skills. I was part of a team where I was valued, trusted and I felt part of a team. My mentor organized some shadowing for me within the bank where I could get an overview of what other departments are doing. Their guidance and advice have been helpful and I am forever grateful for the support I got from my team.

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My Swiss Host Family

We received a warm welcome from the B360 team at Zurich Airport, unfortunately my host family (von Felten Family) couldn’t make it because they were still on holidays, so I had to go with the Mullers family for the first night. The next day, the von Felten family picked me up and they welcomed me in their lovely home, I was overwhelmed with seeing wealth everywhere from the car window. Later that afternoon they took me for sledging which I mistook for skiing. They made me feel at home and showed me that there is more to Switzerland than skis and chocolates. I visited numerous places with them, to mention a few: Bern, where I saw the Swiss parliament and got to see bears, and Solothurn. Moreover, they took me to a beautiful castle in Rapperswil and a museum. I enjoyed playing football with the boys as well as table tennis and just became Roger Federer of Namibia.

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Highlights and Challenges in Switzerland

This will always be the greatest highlight of my life: in my leisure time I managed to travel and explore Switzerland and I visited cities like Lucerne, Lugano, Basel, Zermatt (Matterhorn), Bern, Geneva, Zug and many villages. Three months was little but I made the most out of it. My challenges would be the language barrier whereby I was given tasks that were in German or Italian and it required me to ask assistance from Italian speaking colleagues and I became familiar with some Italian and German business terms.


My Future Plans

It has always been about education and it will always be about education, I plan on finishing my degree and continue pursuing for a master in near future, securing a job in a banking environment as well.


Personal Message

I owe many thanks to my colleagues at Credit Suisse who helped me see beyond the conventional boundaries of the discipline and supported me over my three months in Switzerland. Moreover I want to thank B360 and other stakeholders for the profound impact they have on this internship. Any all weaknesses remaining are mine, all mine.