Joseph Jephan Mwansa

Index Solution Business Management
Credit Suisse Asset Management

Master Student in Economics
University of Zambia

February 01 - April 30, 2018


My work at Credit Suisse

Working at Credit Suisse is a very unique opportunity because it provided me with a rare, professional global perspective on finance and financial markets. It is as if my veil of ignorance has just been removed from my face. Specifically, I now understand what indexing is about as practiced by Index solution. I was also privileged to learn how to access financial information, compare different financial markets and extract financial data from the Bloomberg terminal. My use of excel formulae has also been enhanced greatly. My team (Index Solution-Business management) was very helpful and professional. I learnt a lot from my mentor (Marisa Salvo) and the team as a whole. From technical skills to effective communication, team work, hard work and target setting, I learnt it all from Index solution. The Swiss discipline, professionalism, competitiveness, dedication to duty, time management and desire to achieve set objectives is something I will take home with me. It is the said above which will help me distinguish myself from the rest.

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My Swiss Host Family

My host family, Mark Pegram and Paula Morris-Pegram, provided me with not only a house to stay but also a home to live. I always felt safe and loved. They guided my stay and made huge sacrifices for me. Kappel am Albis was my home, thousand miles away from home. Certainly, I wouldn’t have wished for a better host than to be with this lovely and kind family. I will forever cherish the short, but special moments I shared with the Pegrams.

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Highlights and Challenges in Switzerland

From social to technical skills, Switzerland taught me a lot. I have learnt the professional etiquettes and the social aspect of life in Switzerland. The cultural diversity and tolerance is something that can only be attributed to a country like Switzerland. The Swiss are hardworking and self-motivated people. Time management and planning ahead is another highlight of my stay in Switzerland. As is the case for most experiences, there are always some challenges. In Switzerland, language barrier and unfriendly weather are the greatest (if not the only) challenges I faced during my stay in Switzerland.


My Future Plans

My short term plan is to finish my post-graduate studies and look for a work environment that can help me thrive and realize my full potential. My experience in Switzerland taught me that while qualifications do matter, what matters even more is how well one can differentiate oneself from the rest. In the long run, I wish to build my empire and be part of the solution to the unemployment that has continued to rob the youths of their dreams. Business is my passion and this experience has just provided me with a great push in the right direction.


Personal Message

What I believe is that the greatest happiness comes from one realizing his or her purpose in life. We don’t need to know everything there is to know, but at the very least we ought to know our purpose. This is because without the purpose and vision, it is impossible to have a successful life. One must be humble enough to be willing to learn from others and work hard to better oneself every day. Our dreams are possible. They were given to us for the sole purpose of accomplishing them. Therefore the power is, and always has been, in our hands.