Fransina Amukalu

Motorex - Oil of Switzerland

Bachelor Student in Chemistry
Namibia University of Science and Technology

September 01 - November 30, 2023


at work

During my time at Motorex Oil of Switzerland, I had the privilege of working in the Research and Development department as a chemist specifically in metalworking fluids. This experience provided me with invaluable insights into the Swiss work culture. Switzerland is known for its commitment to precision and punctuality, and I found these principles reflected in my workplace. The attention to detail and the pursuit of excellence were deeply ingrained in the company's culture. My colleagues at Motorex were not only highly skilled professionals but also incredibly supportive individuals. Their guidance and encouragement boosted my self-confidence and turned any doubts I had into a strong sense of assurance. I learned a great deal about metalworking fluids, which will undoubtedly benefit my future career. This experience at Motorex has been transformative, both professionally and personally.


Host familiy

Living in a Swiss host family was a truly remarkable experience. From the moment I arrived, they welcomed me with open arms and made me feel like a part of their family. We engaged in various activities together, such as attending church, visiting local attractions, and participating in parties and events. The experience of cooking and sharing meals together was particularly special, as it allowed us to connect on a deeper level. They also ensured I always had a delicious lunch for work, demonstrating their kindness and generosity. One of the most significant aspects of my time with my Swiss host family was their unwavering support. They made sure I never felt homesick and helped whenever I needed it. They even taught me some basic German, introduced me to traditional Swiss cuisine, and surprised me with thoughtful gifts. Their hospitality and warmth were beyond measure, and I am immensely grateful for their role in enhancing my experience in Switzerland.


Highlights and Challenges in Switzerland

One of the highlights of my stay in Switzerland was undoubtedly the opportunity to immerse myself in the rich and diverse culture of this beautiful country. I had the privilege of exploring the stunning Swiss landscapes, indulging in delicious Swiss cuisine, and experiencing various local traditions. Switzerland's unique blend of modernity and tradition left a lasting impression on me.

However, like any experience, there were also challenges to overcome. Adapting to a new culture and work environment can be demanding, but these challenges ultimately helped me grow and develop as an individual. Overcoming language barriers and navigating the complexities of a foreign workplace were learning experiences that will undoubtedly benefit me in the future.


my future plans

I am excited to return back to Namibia and use my new skills and knowledge to make a difference. I plan to continue my studies in the field of materials science and engineering, with a focus on metalworking fluid development. I also plan to pursue a career in research and development at a leading company in the metalworking fluids industry. I believe that my experience in Switzerland has given me the foundation I need to achieve my goals.


personal message

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has played a part in making my internship in Switzerland an unforgettable journey. To the future interns, I hope my experience inspires and motivates you to embark on your own adventure and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. To the B360 organization, thank you for making this life-changing experience possible. Your dedication to creating international partnerships and fostering growth in young professionals is truly commendable. To my Swiss host family, you will forever hold a special place in my heart. Your warmth, hospitality, and the love you shared with me have enriched my life in ways I can't adequately express. I promise to return and visit you one day, and I eagerly look forward to that reunion. To my colleagues at Motorex and everyone I had the privilege of meeting in Switzerland, your support, encouragement, and friendship have been invaluable. I leave with cherished memories and lasting connections.
As I look ahead to my future in Namibia, I carry with me the knowledge, skills, and experiences gained during my time in Switzerland. I am confident that this journey will play a significant role in helping me achieve my career goals and making a positive impact on the world. Thank you all for being a part of this incredible chapter in my life.