Mario Benedetto
Senior Expert Learning & Development,
LGT Gruppe Holding AG
Michael Will
Special Relations
LGT Bank Ltd.
Virtual Career Starter Course
Namibian university of Science and Technology
March 15 - may 26, 2021
I never thought the CSC would be such a rewarding experience for me. We all dream, every one of us, and it's concerning how many of us will never see our dreams come true. The CSC course was a great opportunity for me to help young people on their journey to realize their dreams.
The course is a great opportunity for young people to gain interesting insights in the business life. Students learn a lot that can help them to start in a successful business life.
The Participants
B360 CWS course an opportunity to grab. This program is very helpful to students and young graduates. Knowledge is power, you know what I don't know, and I know what you don't know.
The B360 career starter course changed my life for the best. I have been able to do a lot of discoveries about myself as an individual, as well as point out ideas on things I can improve or create for the betterment of my society through coming up with business ideas.
The course was a great eye opener. I discovered myself through this course. I learned and gained a lot of skills and knowledge.
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